Using Purge Gas When Thermal Testing

Using Purge Gas When Thermal Testing

Applying Purge Gas Provides Two Main Benefits When Thermal Testing


A choice to be considered when selecting the best thermal test system is the use of purge gas. Purging with gas serves two purposes during environmental thermal testing. Most often it is used to keep condensation and frost from accumulating on the surfaces of the DUT (Device Under Test) at cold temperatures. Additionally, it is also used to prevent the oxidation of metals surfaces at high temperatures.

Heavy frost forming at -40C ultimately becomes wet.

High-temperature corrosion 

Generally, the condensation of any moisture is to be avoided during the environmental testing of electronics.

Thermal Platform with Probing Cover & Nitrogen(g) Inlet

In simple terms, condensation occurs when the air temperature drops below the dew point.  Above the dew point, more moisture evaporates from surfaces than condenses, below the dew point more water condenses on surfaces than evaporates. The dew point is a temperature determined by the combined effects of the surface temperature and the relative moisture content of the air (assuming the same atmospheric pressure).

Generally, condensation is to be avoided during the environmental testing of electronics. In simple terms, condensation occurs when the air temperature drops below the dew point.  Above the dew point, more moisture evaporates from surfaces than condenses, below the dew point more water condenses on surfaces than evaporates. Thus, the farther below the dew point, the faster moisture will condense.  The Dew point is a temperature point that is determined by the combined effects of the surface temperature and the relative moisture content of the air (assuming the same atmospheric pressure).

The easiest way to avoid condensation on a DUT is to lower the moisture content of the air. The easiest way to do that is with dry Nitrogen purge gas into the space around the DUT. The Nitrogen displaces moisture-laden air so that dew point condensation of high-temperature oxidation cannot occur. Nitrogen from a Dewar or portable tank works very well because the moisture content of the Nitrogen is extremely low and it is often readily available at the test station. Nitrogen is also notably inert, that is to say, it does not easily react with other elements or materials.   If you are going to extreme temperatures and condensation can cause problems with your devices, you should take measures such as purging gas to reduce condensation.  Critical or sensitive metal surfaces exposed to hot temperatures above 170C will be preserved better with purge gas as well.

Sometimes the question comes up if CO2 (Carbon Dioxide) can be used as a purging gas. The quick answer is no. Although CO2 from a tank is dry and displaces moist air, CO2 can react with water to produce carbonic acid which of course is corrosive.  As long as there is no moisture, to begin with, CO2 would work but it is generally not recommended.  Other gasses such as Argon can also be used but are generally more expensive. If your facility provides clean dry compressed air, often this can be successfully used to purge, especially if your air is really dry (some facilities add a desiccator system to air supply) and temperatures are not so extreme (~above -20° C as a rule of thumb).

Your requirements may vary but as a starting point in a small benchtop enclosure or chamber 15 – 20 SCFM for an initial flow rate to displace moist air followed by a reduced rate of 3-5 SCFM two to three minutes after openings have been closed. Too much flow on an ongoing basis can create air temperature gradients inside the box.

Consult your application engineer about options to automate these processes. Application of purge gas to a thermal platform or chamber is generally very easy. A pressure regulator can attach right to your Nitrogen tank. The flowmeter is normally located at the tank as well and is used to set the flow rate. Typically a small 1/4″ OD uninsulated hose can connect the output of the regulator/flowmeter to the hot-cold plate cover or chamber with a simple push to connect fittings.

Top Ten Reasons for Using a Small Benchtop

Top Ten Reasons for Using a Small Benchtop Thermal Platform or a Benchtop Temperature Chamber

In today’s world, everything is getting smaller and smaller. And with it, the durability and quality of materials are only getting better. Testing smaller materials in larger thermal platforms can be slow, expensive, and an overall burden. Plus, the space in your lab should be optimized. Gone are the days of clunky, unsightly equipment. As your products and needs get more specific, your equipment should too. Here are ten reasons why a benchtop temperature chamber or platform will improve the hard work you already do.

#1  less movement

Less movement is needed to use a benchtop temperature chamber. The more time your employees spend in transit to the machine, the less time they have to do their best work. The accessibility, decreased foot traffic increases productive space and room for new opportunities.

#2 Save time

Larger chambers can take long periods of time for any test, when you just may need a quick run. A benchtop temperature chamber is capable of running faster tests due to its small size, allowing you to get on to the next task.

#3 Cost-Efficient

Your tests will cost significantly less per run. Bringing down the bottom-line required to make a profit. The investment will pay for itself, and the results will speak for themselves. Smaller chambers draw less power.

#4 Energy-Efficient

A smaller environmental impact from your tests. Today’s consumer wants to know they are doing business with people who care for the planet, and by being conservative with your energy use you’re doing just that. Consuming less energy is great for the bottom line and the planet, a win-win!

#5 DUT Logging

The benchtop temperature chamber with DUT logging provides verification that the unit has reached the desired temperature. Tests need to be conducted not only with accuracy but with confidence. Temperature verification gives you the confidence to believe in the results you worked hard to acquire. In addition to verification, they need less energy to reach their desired temperature.

#6 Energy Savings

A lower power bill could mean holiday bonuses, raises, etc. All serve to improve morale and act as an investment in the company’s future.

#7 Compact Chamber

The small form factor will allow you to place the benchtop temperature chamber in a convenient location; leaving space for the heavier, clunkier machines you couldn’t live without.

#8 More Space

Increased space frees up the brain’s creative part, potentially allowing the development of brand-new thoughts. Whether you fill your space with new equipment or just enjoy the open plan, you’ll benefit from the smaller form factor of a benchtop temperature chamber. If you were not already convinced a benchtop thermal chamber or platform would make a proper addition to your thermal testing arsenal, the last two reasons will bring you over.

#9 Precision

The precise build brings the margin of error on the temperature way down, meaning you can be confident your tests represent the harshest condition you choose. By their very nature, chambers are difficult to heat evenly and precisely over long periods of time. With the benchtop temperature thermal test systems, you will find your unit heating quickly and maintaining evenly.

#10 Automation

finally, the unit offers automatic export of your test report in PDF to your computer or straight to your network printer. The seamless integration into your data structure saves plenty of time. There were the top ten reasons why you should invest in a benchtop temperature chamber. Overall, your lab installing one will make your lab run more efficiently and allow you to have more confidence in your tests.

TotalTemp Technologies is an environmental and temperature testing platform manufacturer located in San Diego, Ca. The US.

Temperature Chamber Choices

Temperature Chamber Choices

Thermal testing of products can’t be ignored. Knowing your product stands up to the harshest environments it will be exposed to over the life of the product provides proof of the design and verified quality. With TotalTemp Temperature Chambers and Thermal Platforms, you can most effectively run thermal tests for burn-in or design/production verification. Products meant for consumers have to be tested, but it’s safe to say, products going into space need far more rigorous verification. Life tests or inappropriate tests can go too far, thus shortening the life so it is important to ensure the proper testing is performed. Optimum prior testing must be done when your product is meant to be catapulted into orbit.  TotalTemp products are made with the highest quality because you need precise and repeatable results.

TotalTemp led the way when it announced the first true Hybrid Temperature Chamber/Thermal Platform Combination HBC (Hybrid Benchtop Chamber). TotalTemp’s Hybrid Benchtop Temperature Chamber provides the benefits of both a temperature chamber and platform. The Hybrid Temperature Chamber brings innovation to the thermal testing arena in being the first to combine chamber and platform capabilities. The chamber floor can be set to either hot or cold and runs independently or simultaneously with the chamber. The Hybrid Temperature Chamber comes in micro, small and medium thermal chambers. The smaller form factor and updated technology of the HBC series of temperature chambers have afforded many performance improvements.

The cycle time has been greatly reduced, and there has been a great reduction in the thermal gradients once a setpoint is achieved. The design philosophy has created an easy-to-use unit with easy access to the DUT – through the hinged lid or front door and provides phenomenal speed and thermal uniformity. The HBC utilizes power efficiently, lowering its environmental and power requirement impact. The decreased footprint of the Hybrid Temperature Chamber effectively uses lab space. Its efficiently designed user interface and automation features help get the testing done in the shortest amount of time.

The HBC system can even be purchased separately as a shroud to upgrade your existing thermal platform. TotalTemp also offers the next generation of custom-designed thermal testing equipment. The details of the chambers can be modified according to your specific needs. Examples include the new Custom Side Flow Chamber which allows for seamless integration into externally mounted racks.

TotalTemp’s Dual Channel Synergy Nano Temperature Controller allows you to control chambers & platforms independently or simultaneously. TotalTemp also makes larger benchtop easier with the new SD288-N. The SD288-N provides 288 square inches (12” x 24”)  of area for thermal testing while still having a smaller footprint than a benchtop thermal chamber.

The Dual Mode system allows for improved temperature cycling by combining convection and conduction for heat transfer. There are many types of thermal chambers, and TotalTemp can work with your individual requirements. All TotalTemp temperature chambers are reliable and provide you the confidence to know your tests meet the required standards. The equipment is all made to be accessible, user-friendly, and affordable.

TotalTemp also offers testing accessories and thermal vacuum systems (TVAC) for efficient space simulation testing.

TotalTemp thermal testing equipment is backed by their dedication to customer service with a two-year warranty for most standard items. TotalTemp takes pride in seeing its customers Success. In conclusion, when putting your space-bound or terrestrial products through rigorous tests, TotalTemp is the solution. You will know you have done your best to ensure the safety and quality of your product. TotalTemp offers many options for thermal test equipment, if you did not see your specific requirements represented in this article feel free to contact us with inquiries and we would be happy to work with you.

How and When to Use Thermal Chambers for Testing

How and When to Use Thermal Chambers for Testing

Have you ever wondered what journey a piece of equipment or machinery took before ending up in space? Or what testing was done before the rocket’s blastoff? Or why does a piece of equipment fail prematurely? Well somewhere along the path to its final manufacturing, the components and sub-assemblies were developed and designed with the environmental conditions of where it would be operating in mind. Without this critical step in the manufacturing process, you would be far more likely to have some components fail prematurely (e.g. exposing a lithium-ion battery to extreme cold will reduce its longevity and storage capacity). By testing the component, you can ensure quality and reliability, and most importantly overall performance in the environment it is expected to work in. Quite frankly, that is just the way it is done. There are numerous ways to test a component for specific environmental conditions, one of them being the use of temperature or thermal chambers.

What is it?

Temperature Chamber, also known as an environmental test chamber, performs thermal tests through the use of convection. They typically use a fan for the forced air convection, like a convection oven used in your house; however, instead of making cookies, you are testing products and equipment.

Not so fast

These “ovens” rely on the fans to move the air past the device under test for heat transfer. Therefore, if you want better performance you are going to need more airflow. Increasing the airflow comes at a cost since the unexpected heating from the air friction is significant. Also, more power is required for the test (e.g. operating costs go up) and then there will be increased noise and system wear as well.

Despite how easy (or complicated) it may be to bake a cake or grandma’s cookie recipe in a convection oven, the performance of a test within a Thermal Chamber is not that simple. In fact, there are at least three types of thermal testing that can be performed within a thermal chamber: Thermal cycling tests burn-in tests, and thermal shock tests. All three tests evaluate a component at different temperature extremes in a different way:

Thermal cycling is often a more controlled rate, alternating between the two temperature extremes. The speed of the transition can be adjusted to limit thermal stresses and allow guarantee of parts achieving the temperature.  There are hold times called soaks at specified temperatures to make sure the parts achieve the expected temperature. Faster ramp rates are usually better in production but on the other side, care must be taken to not stress the parts beyond what they are able to withstand.

Burn-in test is typically a sustained hold at a given temperature (usually hot) to verify operational parameters of a device in a specific environment over time, Thermal shock, on the other hand, is taking the component from one temperature extreme and another and “shocking” it with very rapid transitions. This is completed with testing chambers or thermal platforms that either automatically transfer the component being tested from one hot chamber to another nearby cold chamber or simply by using high-performance heaters and cooling in a single chamber zone. As you can see there is a little more to it than a convection cooking oven.

Another important thing that should be considered is meeting industry standards of testing. A lot has been written over time regarding appropriate environmental testing and most choices will depend on the intended destination for the product. There are some industry standards that are used as rules or guidelines for testing that can be adapted to other needs. The environmental chamber or thermal platform will allow you need to ensure it meets the standards of the application it will be used for.

For example, MIL-STD-810, Environmental Engineering Considerations and Laboratory Tests, was designed originally for products entering the defense industry; however, this standard is routinely used for commercial products too. This standard covers a wide range of environmental conditions such as thermal shock testing, exposure to high and low-temperature extremes, and humidity. Thus, depending on what environment your product will operate in there is a good chance you will be using MIL-STD-810 for environmental simulation in the design phase to ensure quality and reliability.

But that standard is just the tip of the iceberg. There are countless other standards (e.g. ASTM) whether or not they are related to the defense industry that require additional design specifications and testing. Therefore, if you want to ensure quality and reliability through an environmental simulation consider the best choice to be a temperature chamber to ensure first-time quality work of your product.

Temperature Testing Practices

Temperature Testing Practices

Many items require thermal environmental testing. Items going through product development, requiring validation for high-reliability applications, and products exposed to extreme environments among others require specific thermal testing.

Diligent adherence to requirements results in performing a meaningful test and ultimately higher quality products as opposed to simply taking the easiest route to put a testing checkmark in the box.

A few important aspects of the testing can help ensure that best practices in thermal testing are followed to get real results from testing efforts.

  1. Testing can be time-consuming.  Properly applied automation will increase repeatability and can produce consistent results. Test results can be automatically stored on the test equipment, in the cloud, or automatically printed to a network printer.
  2. Automation also reduces some unexpected uncertainties in the testing such as reducing the temptation to open the door/lid of the chamber during the test.  In addition to disturbing the temperature uniformity of the test, if cool air is introduced when the system is at extreme hot or cold temperatures, moist air can result in unwanted condensation or corrosion on the devices being tested.
  3. Best heat transfer will get the job done most effectively.  When possible conductive heat transfer will achieve the setpoint in less time with less energy.  When heat transfer by conduction is not possible or practical a convection chamber or a hybrid combining conduction and convection is a good idea.
  4. When using a temperature chamber, for best heat transfer, be sure that airflow across the device is as great as possible to transfer heat effectively as possible.
  5. Use of secondary sensor(s) in a chamber or thermal platform can be applied to either verify that critical zones in the product to be tested actually achieve the specified or with a controller that employs smarter temperature control algorithms which can consider both the system temperature and individual device under test (DUT) temperature.
  6. Prior to purchase, always give plenty of consideration to the most preferred cooling method given the testing requirements and facilities available.

The Basics of Environmental Test Chambers

The Basics of Environmental Test Chambers

Testing and studying new products is key to ensuring their safety, effectiveness, and applications. Since it isn’t always possible, safe, or efficient for that matter, to test products in their actual working environments, using these chambers is the best way to recreate its exact working conditions and measure the results. This is a process that has been in place for a number of decades and has been used effectively by the aerospace industry. Before truly grasping the complexities of this process, it is important to understand the basics.What are environmental test chambers?

Environmental test chambers allow a product to experience a variety of external factors to be tested in a controlled environment. As the factors are introduced, the unit and observer can see how the item being tested is affected in various conditions. Many times, levels of factors like vibration, temperature, electromagnetic radiation, humidity, pressure, sun, and salt exposure, among others, are applied singularly and then even layered to see how the specimens, products, or specific materials function under combined effects.

How are environmental test chambers designed?

Prior to being designed, the function of what will be tested is decided for each chamber. Chambers come in a variety of shapes and sizes, ranging from some that are large enough to drive in to and those that are small enough for only reach-in with special tools or robots. Depending on the purpose of your testing needs, you may require one that is floor-mounted, walk-in, bench-top, or even as grandiose as an entire room. No matter the size, the exterior of all of these are usually made with steel. The inner chamber can be customized depending on its application. Sometimes a glass window is installed, while other times, a reinforced steel door is necessary. The type of technology used is also dependent on its use. Some of the more recent models have web capabilities to upload test data, and many have touch-screen controls.

How are test chambers used?

Test chambers are used throughout many industries as a way to ensure the perfection of a product before it hits the market. Whether you are in the aerospace, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, medical, technology, or packaging fields, you most likely use or order items that have gone through rigorous environmental test chamber protocols. They are also used for compliance testing purposes. International regulations may vary by country, and these chambers allow for testing the various conditions in one experiment. In aerospace, for example, these environments can be used to mimic conditions that would be present in high altitude or outer space. It would be too dangerous to take a chance with untested equipment, especially equipment that ensures continued life for astronauts. The test chambers can recreate similar conditions in terms of temperature, pressure, and oxygen levels. The product engineers may need to make tweaks or design improvements for safety and reliability by observing how the items react. Virtually every item you use in your everyday life has gone through a testing chamber in one regard or another.

What are the types of chambers available?

Some chambers are specifically created to test products while in their infancy or even research stage. Others are used on products to confirm viability and safety while they are being produced. Many organizations, for example, use ones that feature humidity/temperature chambers or stress/vibration chambers. There are quite a few types of chambers available that conduct important tests like the HASS, or Highly Accelerated Stress Screen, or HALT, Highly Accelerated Life Test. Picking the right one to recreate realistic conditions is required.

Overall, environmental test chambers are a critical component of the design and/or production process for many products and ideas. By testing products in their environmental conditions in a controlled manner, the researchers can ensure they are safe and adhere to standards, prior to being produced or distributed to the general public.

For more information on Thermal, Testing Equipment click on the link

Different Ways to Use Environmental Chambers

Different Ways to Use Environmental Chambers

Environmental chambers are used by many industries to help design the perfect products or confirm safety and compliance for ones that are slated to be mass-produced. For almost seven decades now, these chambers have been used to test all types of products from massive aerospace components to everyday consumer packaged goods.

Environmental chambers are an investment both monetarily and time-wise. Sometimes, companies may look to invest in a used chamber rather than a new one for cost savings. If you are going to move forward with any type of used equipment, do so with caution. You would definitely want to have it thoroughly inspected as your customers will be counting on you.  The control systems the most quickly.

Consider the time savings of having a modern reliable controller

1) Reducing the chances of a runaway condition

2) Reducing time investment required using a temperature controller with modern automation 

Features such as:

  • Ramp/dwell profiling
  • Advanced device temperature monitoring/control
  • Logging
  • Remote computer access to controller
  • Networking features such as email/text alerts and cloud storage of profiles/test data

So, why are using these so necessary for a lot of organizations? It can be very expensive, and dangerous for that matter if products are not rigorously tested in realistic environmental conditions. The reactions to various types of conditions provide key data for further development, tweaks, and finalization before these products hit the market.

Though a multitude of products is tested in environmental chambers daily, there are three main ways in which these chambers are used:

  1. Reliability Evaluation
  2. Disintegration Timing
  3. Material Reactions

Reliability Evaluation

Chambers are often designed to have a variety of conditions they can emulate in a realistic manner to test how reliable the product will be. This testing can expose flaws in how the product is manufactured. Identifying weaknesses right out of the gate can save a great deal of capital in the end. As each tweak is made, the product can be re-tested until any flaws are eliminated.

Disintegration Timing

Environmental chambers can be used not only to test how strong a product is but also how long it takes to be destroyed. By raising the intensity of certain conditions like humidity or temperature, researchers can determine what the lifespan of the product is before it begins to deteriorate. These extreme conditions are certainly ones in which you would not want to try out a new product for the first time in real life.

Material Reactions

Understanding how not only your product reacts to various environmental factors, but also how its individual material components react may be key to its success. The chamber does not only have to test a completed project. It can test products in merely the design phase, or can even be used singularly for research purposes. Finding the sturdiest materials to build it from the ground up can help create a consistent and trustworthy product.

Environmental chambers come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and prices – from ones that are put a large vehicle in down to small table-top devices. There are even hand-held devices that can be transported easily for those who need to do testing on the go. They all are constructed to have different real-world environmental factors that they test. These can include temperature, humidity levels, vibration, photo-stability, and more. These chambers simulate virtually any condition you currently think exists in the real world. Plus, as technology has advanced, so have the testing units. Many now include digital data interfaces and touch screens.

If you’re considering creating a new product, it is important to really do your research and understand what protocols you will need to follow. Use environmental chambers to understand how reliable a product is, how long it will last and how well its individual materials hold up. Once you are armed with this information, you can feel confident in moving forward with your product and taking it into mass production (and the general comfortable will be confident in using it).

What is the right temperature chamber for testing your product?

What is the right temperature chamber for testing your product?

temperature chamber is an essential testing mechanism for testing materials, devices, and various components for strength and robustness enabling the product to carry out the desired purposes (see Different Ways to Use Environmental Chambers) here. The chamber can test to exceed environmental conditions. Wikipedia assures, “a robust climate chamber can mimic a relatively wide range of warm environmental conditions, in terms of temperature and humidity (1).

The thermal chamber, then, artificially replicates conditions through environmental simulation to which such products might likely be exposed (See The Basics of Environmental Test Chambers) here. The temperature chamber is also used to accelerate the effects of exposure in an environment, even at conditions not normally expected. Such testing assures a product’s structural integrity in real-world conditions and out worldly events.

Temperature chambers vary in size, presenting the user with the need to consider the best choice for the manufacturer’s demands. Thermal chambers range in size from large rooms to small benchtop structures. There are benefits to working with the benchtop temperature chambers over larger size structures; in order to make an informed decision, some important considerations are discussed below.

One benefit found with a benchtop size temperature chamber is in its small footprint. There is little or no reason whatsoever to purchase a chamber whose size exceeds the needs (and possibly the space) of the lab, particularly for operations with expected and predictable sizes in the products being tested. Lab space is a valuable commodity. This precious resource must be used strategically. Also, time is saved by eliminating technicians’ movements: less footprint and fewer footsteps.

There is also considerable benefit in saving time with a temperature chamber’s small configuration. The powerful yet compact thermal platform can, due to the nature of the mass, reach the desired temperature settings in less time than a larger version. In addition to saving time, the quicker process saves energy as well. Moreover, a clearer verification of exact temperature is readily and easily ensured.

As mentioned, less energy to replicate temperatures in a smaller space saves on cost. But another cost-saving benefit is derived from the simple fact that the chamber is small. The cost of a larger floor-based (or larger) vs bench model is comparable to the cost difference between a compact sedan and a double cab long bed truck. Each serves a purpose, and that purpose is more often than not attributed to cargo—the size of what is placed inside (See Benefits of a Small Thermal Vacuum Chamber for Space Simulation) here. Again, with predetermined size(s), the thermal chamber needn’t be overtly larger than demand-specific needs (2).

Less error and precise temperature control ensure conformity in repeated testing. This increases the repeatability requirements for consistent results, thus assuring that international and national standards are met.

Finally, the results of the thermal chamber’s tests can be automatically stored on the equipment, in the cloud, or transmitted straight to PDF or a network printer, eliminating the need for printing by technicians. Time saved is available for other important tasks.

Overall, the highest value testing conducted at any laboratory requires streamlined testing processes as much as possible to provide engineers and industry customers with their needed reports as fast as possible (3). Consider the needs for your product, the laboratory space required, energy consumption data, repeatability and consistency requirements, as well as ease of transmitting the resulting data. Given those parameters, you will certainly know the important factors that drive your decisions. Moreover, you may find that a compact benchtop model sufficiently and thoroughly fits your needs.

How to Pick the Right Thermal Testing Equipment For Your Unique Application

How to Pick the Right Thermal Testing Equipment For Your Unique Application

There is not really any one right way.  Items that require thermal testing come in a lot of shapes materials and sizes so there is not really one best way to test everything.

If the device has a flat thermally conductive surface or can readily be fixtured to make good conductive contact, chances are a thermal platform is best.  Physics tells us that conductive heat transfer works best but when that is not practical to get good surface contact, it is usually best to consider using a chamber or a thermal air stream system.

Also, modern control electronics allows programmability, logging, multi point control, direct network printing alarms including email alerts and much more.

At TotalTemp Technologies we can guide you through all the trade-offs, including cooling methods. We not only design, manufacture and sell some of the best equipment out there but also offer you free dedicated consulting to get you to the best thermal testing equipment that meet your unique requirements.

Call us (888) 712-2228 or contact us if you have any questions.

Thermal Vacuum Space Simulation Chamber

The Next Generation TotalTemp Thermal Vacuum, TVAC Chamber

Small, portable systems with conductive heat transfer allows for fast and efficient testing of small devices.


Model # TVAC Chamber Specs: -70°C to +175°C, vacuum to 1×10-6 Torr
Primary Features & Benefits:
  • VmSD49-N has 6.5″ x 7.5″ Usable surface area (49 sq. in / 315 sq. cm).
  • VmSD144-N is 12″ square
  • Custom sizes available
  • High Altitude or Space Simulation 1 x 10-6 Torr.
  • Temperature Range from -70°C to +175°C.
  • A typical coolant is Liquid Nitrogen.
  • Heated with embedded resistance heaters
  • Product Data Sheet VmSD49-N
  • Product Data Sheet VmSD144-N