Temperatures Range from -100°C to +200°C Extended Ranges Available

Products for thermal testing including Space Simulation. Combined effects thermal environment simulation with the combined forces of conduction and convection in one easy-to-use system.

There are many choices in selecting temperature testing gear, just picking the right cooling method involves considering many variables.

TotalTemp offers expertise and support before and after the sale to make sure you choose the right system doing the job in the best way.

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The Next Generation TotalTemp Temperature Controllers

Synergy Nano Programmable Controller in a 3U 19″ Rack Panel

Leader In Thermal Platforms

Ultra Cold Refrigerated Thermal Platforms

Three Quick-Ship Benchtop Models

Temperature Chambers

temperature control

The Next Generation TotalTemp Thermal Vaccum, TVAC Chamber

Model # T VAC Chamber           Specs: -70°C to +175°C, Vacuum To 1X10-6 Torr


  • 6.5" x 7.5" Usable Surface area (49 sq. in / 315 sq. cm).
  • 12" squares or other sizes per your requirement
  • High Altitude or Space Simulation 1 x 10 - 6 Torr
  • Temperature Range from -70°C to +175°C
  • A typical coolant is Liquid Nitrogen.
  • Heated with embedded resistance heaters

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Advanced Temperature Controller Options

The award-winning Synergy Nano Temperature Controller has been a big plus for us with an easy-to-use touch screen, reliability, and excellent overall functionality.

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temperature control
An example of Temperature Cycling using advanced Cascade Control
Graphic Burn
An example of real time graphing a burn-in cycle. Burn-in is often used to detect early failures
Graphic User Interface, GUI – Color touch screen
Multi-function Front USB Port for thumb drive or mouse
Remote Control via RS-232, Ethernet 10/100 BaseT or RS-485
Dual-zone control options
Free LabVIEW Drivers available on the website
Save money at the initial purchase through efficient use of test time
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Thermal Testing Products

Innovation and Proven Methods

TotalTemp offers proven products built with decades of experience and a continual eye towards what is new and truly better.

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A New Generation of Quality Temperature Test Equipment
A New Generation of Quality Temperature Test Equipment

Conductive Thermal Test Equipment for Many Temperature Testing Requirements

We specialize in heat transfer for thermal testing, transfer by conduction, convection, or a combination of both.

We offer expendable coolant systems, mechanical refrigeration systems, airstreams, Space Simulation and more;

TotalTemp Technolgies, the best solution for your thermal testing requirements.

Get in Touch

TotalTemp's Mission is to provide better functionality and support with affordable thermal testing systems.