Limit Controllers shut down power to heating and cooling circuits in the event of an out-of-range hot or cold condition. Disables a redundant coolant valve to protect against primary coolant valve failure. Easily read and set by the user. The large LED display indicates temperature and system status.
Thermal Platforms and Temperature Chambers include a resettable latching Over-Temperature Safety Device. Synergy Nano and Watlow EZ Zone Controllers both have built-in range safety to protect against possible thermal runaway. Both sensor range error limits and setpoint limits are employed to improve safety. Optional fail-safe Limit Controllers are offered to further enhance safety.
Synergy Nano in 19 Inch Rack with optional Thermal Range Safety Controller.
Watlow EZ-Zone with optional Thermal Range Safety Controller.
This system provides truly independent safety and security from any failsafe issues that might occur and can be retrofitted to most existing Thermal Platforms or Temperature Chambers. This unit is intended to supply power to and protect any temperature chamber, thermal platform, or other thermal systems from selectable ranges of extreme temperatures. Designed to be easily customized to meet your unique and specific needs: