Bigger Benchtop Thermal Testing

Thermal Testing of larger modules is now made easy with new larger thermal platform models.

The SD288-N, 288 square inches and the NEW SD450-N with 450 square inches of a thermal testing area for your device under test.

The SD288 Thermal Platform
NEW SD450 Thermal Platform

Larger, higher power items such as TWTs and amplifiers are easily accommodated with these 12″ x 24″ or 18″ x 25″ precision surfaces.  They are also a good choice for larger or multiple Hybrid / MMICs. They have over 4000 watts of heat removal capability!

Thermal imaging reveals impressive uniformity of cooling.  Model SD288 has six identical evenly distributed cooling channels.  This ensures no hot spots or cold spots.

Likewise,16 linear heater elements ensure even heating.

Larger modules can easily be tested right on the benchtop with an assurance of rapid test uniformity such as for meeting MIL-STD-883.

Programmable temperature control instrumentation with Multipoint DUT sensing module and advanced temperature control algorithms can automatically produce printed test logging results to a network printer and real-time reports in record time.

Test Stats are easily sent to email or text messaging systems.

Next time we will talk about the multichannel logging capabilities and advanced temperature control with the TE-1299-16, 16 channel logging accessory for the Synergy Nano.

Knowledgeable tech support at TotalTemp Technologies is available to help improve your thermal testing. 

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TotalTemp's Mission is to provide better functionality and support with affordable thermal testing systems.